2019 Hall of Fame
The term Hall of Fame was basically originated in 1900 when the first U.S Hall of Fame was founded at Bronx Community College in the Bronx, New York (the same Bronx that Al Rosen is from). Since, Hall of Fames have been created for baseball in Cooperstown, New York; Football in Canton, Ohio and there are Hall of Fame for most other sports as well as other industries of entertainment, WWE, Rock and Roll, etc. In 2012 the Tri-Fitness Challenge started their Hall of Fame and they induct new members each year.
The prerequisites for the Hall of Fame are the inductees have been involved with Tri-Fitness for at least 10 years and have made an impact on the sport. In the sport of Tri-Fitness, the athletes compete in the Obstacle Course, Fitness Skills (Box Jumps, Bench Press and Shuttle Run), Fitness Routine, True Grit Challenge and the bedazzling Grace and Physique event. Thus, the following athletes are not only fit, but fast and fierce as well. The induction also includes photographers, magazine editors, judges, etc. The 2019 inductees include the following:

Jackie Callaway started challenging herself in Tri-Fitness in 2003 when
she started working with ABC Action News in Tampa and became the
anchor of the “Taking Action” segment which she has won an Emmy as well
as numerous other awards. She has run 62.59 seconds on the Obstacle
Course. In addition, she has emceed the Grace & Physique event on
many occasions.

Lauren Majewski is a former elite gymnast and Washington Redskins
cheerleader. She is one of the most accomplished Tri-Fitness athletes
of all time having placed top five in G&P, Routine, Obstacle Course and
Tri-Fit Overall many times as well as winning the Tri-Fit model. She has
run the Obstacle Course in 51.56 seconds.

Sarah Kim started challenging herself in 2007 at the 2007 Tri-Fitness
World Challenge in Las Vegas. In 2017 Sarah finished in the top 3
overall at the Tri-Fitness World Challenge. She is a member of the U.S
Military and the mother of a young daughter Alea who is also a Tri-Fit
athlete. Sarah has run 60.25 seconds on the Obstacle Course.

Michelle Cerrito started training for Tri-Fitness in 1997 and was an
athlete at the first Tri-Fitness World Challenge in 1998. Over the last 22
years, Michelle has either participated or helped at many of the Tri-
Fitness World Challenges. She has run the Obstacle Course in 58.68

Bart Rademaker, M.D. is a reconstructive and regenerative surgeon as
well as a life coach. Bart started challenging himself at Tri-Fitness about
20 years ago. He ran the obstacle course in 56.70 seconds at an
Orlando event. In addition, he has been a Tri-Fitness photographer at
many challenges and has interviewed numerous Tri-Fitness athletes on
“Prescription For Your Transformation” on the internet.

Wendi Malphurs is a biological scientist at the University of Florida in
Gainesville. She started her Tri-Fitness career in 2002 at the Orlando
event. Over the next 20 years “Waldo Wendi” has challenged herself
at numerous Las Vegas, Washington D.C, Orlando and Tampa Bay area
Tri-Fitness Challenges. She has run the Obstacle Course in 60.17
seconds as well as helping out at numerous events.

Robby Holsopple is a General Contractor in Tampa, Florida and began
his Tri-Fitness career in 2009. He has one of the fastest men’s times on
the Obstacle Course at 46.60 seconds. In addition, he has helped at
many of the events and has fixed and made many of the Obstacle
Course, True Grit and Box Jump equipment.

Tony DeLuca is Mr. Reliable as he has been helping at Tri-Fitness
Challenges since 2009. If you wonder how we tally up the scores and
get results as quick as we do, it is because of Tony. In addition, he has
moved equipment, spotted, timed, set up stages, etc. His computer
skills at entering scores are lightning quick and exact. He participated in
the initial True Grit Challenge. Tony is one of the reasons Tri-Fitness
events run smoothly!