2025 TriFitness Challenge
2025 DATES
2025 Tri-Fitness World Challenge XXVIII
November 7 – 9, 2025 – Tampa, FL
Fitness Routines
A fitness routine not exceeding 2 minutes will be
performed on a professional, safe, cushioned cheerleading floor.
Obstacle Course
160 yard Military-Style Obstacle Course.
Comprising of a 10 foot wall, running grid, incline-decline monkey bars,12 foot balance beam, 15 foot cargo net, shuttle run, (3) hurdles, steeplechase jump, sprint, under bar and over bar.
Grace & Physique
True Grit
True Grit is the second Obstacle Course in the event.
Fitness Skills
Comprised of bench press, shuttle runs, and plyometric box jumps. The sum of these three events are added together, then averaged.
Box Jump
Shuttle Run
Bench Press
TRI-FITNESS: a Sport and a Family.
Tri-Fitness is a fitness competition with a foundation based on the dedication to health, fitness and the competitive spirit. In 1997, Al Rosen decided to create a fitness competition to empower athletes and have them feel the power of accomplishment.
Rosen (a gym owner for 28 years, physical education teacher and coach, former professional wrestler, fitness trainer) with a background in gymnastics used the gymnastic formula to create the scoring (10 point system).
Rosen states: “instead of bars, beam, vault,
In past television interviews, Rosen has been known to explain how amazing it is to see women looking like Barbie in the Grace & Physique turn into G.I. Jane on the obstacle course.
Al, I am honored to be included in the Hall of Fame in this great sport you have created. It is always so competitive and Fun! You are one in a million! I have done, and judge many other types of fitness competitions, but no other promoter of these shows would have remembered picking me up from the airport 15 years ago, or even would have come! much less welcome me into his house to train like you have with so many of these girls! None would make sure everyone registers on time so they do not get penalized, no one would remember EVERY name(you are not just a number), every ones home town, how many kids they have and their names! I appreciate you so much and I am honored to know you! Thank you for all your time, patience and hard work! Love You Al Rosen!
I had the best time ever, Al. Thank you for organizing such a great event, there is none out there like it. My favorite part is how supportive everyone is, all other shows people are hoping you’ll trip and fall or something will go wrong. at Tri Fit people are cheering you and helping you all along the way no matter which event; bikini, course, bench….it’s such a great thing to be apart of!! Coming back and getting to do it this year made me realize how much I have missed it!!!