1] Kelly Prince / 25-29 short class
2] Connie Knott / 30-34 short
3] Kelly Hardersen / 40-44 tall
4] Lauren Majewski /25-29 tall
5] Laura Thomason /25-29 short
6] Nicole Spitzak / 30-34 tall
7] Lois Olney /45-49 tall
8] Brittany Williams /18-24 tall
9] Nichole Franklin / 25-29 short
10] Andrea ramsay 30-34 tall
11] Lexine Kolb /40-44 tall
12] Sarah Porreca / 25-29 short
13] Michelle Kesterson /35-39 tall
14] Amy Eaton / 40-44 short
15] Karina Nigmatullina / 25-29 tall
16] Charlene Ferderbar / 40-44 tall
17] Celeste Turner / 40-44 tall
18] Gina Raines /30-34 short
19] Shelly Jurgensmeyer /35-39 tall
20] Jennifer Johnson /30-34 tall

May 2011 Tri-Fit Model Short Class&Overall Winner- Sarah Jon Porrecca!
May 2011 World Challenge
1st Sarah Jon Porreca
2nd Julie Green
3rd Jennifer Johnson
4th Mimi Zumwalt
5th Brianna Hodson
1st Eleanor Lumbis
2nd Anne Groff
3rd Jennifer Roach
4th Tara Jones
5th Patricia Bukkos
Top '5' tall class - Tri-Fit Model

Congrats to the 2011 T.F.C World Champion ~Connie Knott!
Tri-Fitness Overall
1 |
Connie Knott |
2 |
Kelly Prince |
3 |
Kelly Harderson |
4 |
Lauren Majewski |
5 |
Laura Thompson |
6 |
Lois Olney |
7 |
Gina Raines |
8 |
Mary Parrett |
9 |
Celeste Turner |
10 |
Lindsey Lecroy |
11 |
Anne Groff |
12 |
Nicole Spitzack |
13 |
Debbie Sizemore |
14 |
Mandy Brunson |
15 |
Megan Westrick |
16 |
Eleanor Lumbis |
17 |
Dina Starr |
18 |
Pet Ike |
19 |
Trudy Rigler |
20 |
Amanda Threinen |

Tri-Fitness Rocks – Hear what the athletes think about Tri-Fitness
Hear the testimonials from the 2010 Tri-Fitness National Challenge.

Debbie makes the Obstacle Course look easy
Debbie runs the obstacle course at the 2010 National Challenge.