Nov 24, 2010 | Trifitness News, Women's Tri-Fitness Articles

Dual Fitness Optional Winners
Dual Fitness Optional (Obstacle Course, Skills, G&P)
- Connie Knott, Florida
- Melissa Wuorinen, Florida
- Nicole Spitzack, Tennessee
- Anne Groff, Pennsylvania
- Brandy Goddard, Arkansas
- Nichole Franklin, Florida
- Lauren Majewski, New Jersey
- Charlene Ferderbar, Pennsylvania
- Sarah Franco, Florida
- Misty McCall, Florida
- Shar Courtney, Texas
- Celeste Turner, Louisiana
- Heather Ruelan, Michigan
- Stephanie Mookas, Florida
- Jennifer Varano, Pennsylvania
For more results from the 2010 Tri-Fitness National Challenge
Sep 16, 2010 | Issue Summer 2010, Men's Challenge Articles, Women's Tri-Fitness Articles
2010 Tri-Fitness National Challenge – Nov.19-21st
Deadline for special rate of $150 ends September 20th.
Fee as of September 21st – $200 / Fee as of October 21st – $235

click2enlarge/ a room with a view-book your TradeWinds hotel room for the National Challenge at our special Tri-Fitness Challange rates!

Tri-Fitness National Challenge being held at the gorgeous TradeWinds Resort!

SET GO... on the Obstacle Course...then just LET GO on the beach!