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Dual Fitness Optional Winners

Dual Fitness Optional Winners

Dual Fitness Optional Winners

Dual Fitness Optional Winners

Dual Fitness Optional (Obstacle Course, Skills, G&P)

    1. Connie Knott, Florida
    2. Melissa Wuorinen, Florida
    3. Nicole Spitzack, Tennessee
    4. Anne Groff, Pennsylvania
    5. Brandy Goddard, Arkansas
    6. Nichole Franklin, Florida
    7. Lauren Majewski, New Jersey
    8. Charlene Ferderbar, Pennsylvania
    9. Sarah Franco, Florida
    10. Misty McCall, Florida
    11. Shar Courtney, Texas
    12. Celeste Turner, Louisiana
    13. Heather Ruelan, Michigan
    14. Stephanie Mookas, Florida
    15. Jennifer Varano, Pennsylvania

    For more results from the 2010 Tri-Fitness National Challenge

    Register for the 2010 National Challenge

    Register for the 2010 National Challenge

    2010 Tri-Fitness National Challenge – Nov.19-21st

    Deadline for special rate of $150 ends September 20th.

    Fee as of September 21st – $200   /   Fee as of October  21st – $235

    click2enlarge/ a room with a view-book your TradeWinds hotel room for the National Challenge at our special Tri-Fitness Challange rates!

    Tri-Fitness National Challenge being held at the gorgeous TradeWinds Resort!

    SET GO... on the Obstacle Course...then just LET GO on the beach!